Rescue the Afghanistan people organization, RAPO in short is a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in the year 2018 and is fully authorized and registered in the Ministry of Economy based upon the ; Registration NO (4493)  and the  Directorate of non-governmental organizations. All the activities in RAPO are legal and within and based upon the social needs and requirements. RAPO is in search of the best possible solutions of the problem our people are currently suffering. Fighting against the corruption, unemployment and other potential social problems with consideration of the Afghanistan Constitutions and the governing rules is what RAPO is involved. We believe what we do is similar to that/those of the other NGOs, thus our goals can be achieved much better and much more effectively with the help of other active NGOs as far as we have the same target. RAPO is founded to reduce alleviate the above cited issues problems as much as possible. We work for the betterment of the Afghanistan people live and it will be responsible for creating a prosperous and progressive foundation based on social justice, human dignity, and national unity, equality between all ethnic groups and tribes, and balanced development in all parts of the country.