
Rescue the Afghanistan people organization, RAPO in short is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political founded in the year 2018 and is fully authorized and registered in the Ministry of Economy based upon the; Registration number (4493) and the Directorate of non-governmental organizations. All the activities in RAPO are legal and within and based upon the social needs and requirements.

Rapo is founded to reduce alleviate the above cited problems as much as possible. We work for the betterment of the Afghanistan people lives and it will be responsible for creating a prosperous and progressive foundation based on social justice, human dignity, and national unity, equality between all ethnic groups and tribes, and will- balanced development in all parts of the country.

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Vivamus volutpat eros pulvinar velit laoreet, sit amet egestas erat dignissim. Sed quis rutrum tellus, sit amet viverra felis. Cras sagittis sem sit amet urna feugiat rutrum. Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies convallis neque. Pellentesque tristique fringilla tempus. Vivamus bibendum nibh in dolor pharetra, a euismod nulla dignissim. Aenean viverra tincidunt nibh, in imperdiet nunc. Suspendisse eu ante pretium, consectetur leo at, congue quam. Nullam hendrerit porta ante vitae tristique. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.

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